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Status Update Regarding Future Reviewing Ventures

This update was one I previously posted on a completely different website on February 24th, 2024.


Most of you have probably noticed by now that I haven’t been particularly active in reviewing lately. Especially compared to the last few years.

Well, that’s something I’d like to come clean about:

The main reason for my lack of reviewing activity is because I decided to take a break of sorts from analyzing movies. I’ve made over 300 film reviews, my most recent one being on Disney’s “TOGO”, but I’ve slowly been losing motivation. I’ve also noted that my process for analyzing movies has slowed, which has sadly caused me to take longer than needed to complete film reviews.

The other reason is because 2024 has felt like a mix of fast and slow to me, and it’s only two months into the year! It makes my motivation for film reviewing all-the-more lacking.

That being said, I think this year is the perfect time for me to further diversify myself as a media critic.

For instance, I haven’t been analyzing very many TV shows or individual episodes of stuff. In fact, I’ve only been able to give two TV show reviews in the past couple years, one for each year; also, not counting my analysis of “My Little Pony: Make Your Mark-Chapter 1” back in January, I gave only four episode reviews in 2022 and five in 2023. 

I’d like to change that by becoming more frequent in reviewing TV shows and episodes this year. With episodes, I’m already making plans to analyze the rest of “Make Your Mark”, and I’m hoping to reach my 100th episode review before 2024 ends; and with TV shows…well, there are lots that I’d like to focus on giving a critique of, a couple of them even being connected to some movies I already reviewed years before.

Outside of this, I’d like to take things a step further by giving an analysis on video games, books, and comics. There’s one video game in particular that I’ve already played twice before and currently have detailed thoughts on, ready to go in my brain to be written down and shared with the world. Also, there are some comics that I’m planning to reread in preparation for critiquing, and some books that I’m planning on analyzing soon, so I encourage you to keep an eye out for those.

In another first for me as a reviewer, I’ll also be giving a critique on two individual film trilogies, which I intend on showcasing as “Film Series” reviews. The prime reason is because each of the three movies both trilogies have basically run-off each other as one big story. I realized how difficult it’d be for me to review the trilogy films individually, so I made the decision to analyze each trilogy as one, just like a TV show. Similarly, I’ll also be making a review of a currently-running TV show one or two seasons at a time, mainly since each will be based on an individual book.

Another thing I’d like to do is this:

Over the last year, I’ve found myself wanting to give some of my past reviews a “reconfiguring” of sorts. In this case, I’d like to correct whatever grammatical errors and sentence problems are present in my earliest reviews, and combine together my thoughts on certain films & shows I both reviewed and re-reviewed, to give an updated take on things. Among the examples, I’ve recently noted that my reviews on “Samurai Jack” could definitely use a bit of a fixer-upper in many ways, and I’d like to combine my statements in both my initial analysis and re-analyzing of “Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island” in preparation for sharing my thoughts on the movie in other places.

Before anyone jumps to conclusions, though, I’d like to clarify that my analysis on “TOGO” will not be my last individual film critique for the time being. 

In the future, I fully intend on reviewing the sequels to “Batman Begins”, and I’ll gladly make room for sequels and prequels to other films and franchises I have already analyzed. Heck, the upcoming “Kung Fu Panda 4” is among the sequels I’d absolutely love to give a critique on.

Plus, there are several non-franchise related movies that I’ve made review-posts for years ago, each being made around the time I was starting out as a reviewer. Instead of analyzing them right away, though, I put analyzing them off to the side because there were other things I was interested in checking out more, and I saved the posts in the drafts of my personal website ever since. But, I’m now planning on analyzing every movie I cast to the side for later, mainly so that I wouldn’t have to worry about how big my drafts-stack is anymore.

In the end, I believe 2024 is the right time for me to finally do different things as a media critic, and to get certain things out of the way so that they can be fulfilled. In the meantime, I won’t be taking any requests until my goals are completed.

With all this being said…

Thank you for your time.




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