One Year Anniversary
Happy New Year, my friends!
Gosh, I can't believe it's already 2022. It feels like only yesterday that I lived through 2021, and that's mainly considering the fact that it wasn't much of an improvement over 2020.
Today, it's officially been one year since I posted my slideshow video showcasing Joshua Ledet's rendition of "I Wish". To celebrate the occasion, I've decided to share with you guys the video that served as the very basis behind creating the slideshow, which is of Ledet singing his rendition live on American Idol.
Whenever I thought about doing this, I had wanted to post the long version featuring Ledet meeting the singer who coached him in preparation and what the judges thought. However, for some reason it was at one point deleted from YouTube, and all that was available was the short version only showcasing his performance. In a miraculous circumstance, though, I discovered the long version again on a website called Metatube, and so I ultimately copied the code of the video from there before sharing it here.
I hope you guys enjoy it.