My Top 10 Favorite Actresses
This list is a showcase of my top 10 favorite actresses, along with my 5 honorable mentions.
I will admit, it was tricky figuring out what actresses I wanted to list. There were a great many I enjoyed watching, and all of them impressed me no matter what.
As I began thinking about it more, though, it occurred to me that a great many of my favorite actresses were individuals who starred in a boatload of programs I watched over the years. The actresses in question were also ones who notably starred in a variety of genres, whether animated or live-action. All of these revelations made picking out who to list surprisingly easy, especially compared to whenever I tried rounding out what male actors are officially my top favorites. I’m quite happy by the choices I picked for this listing, I’ll tell you guys that.
Take a look:
#1: Carla Gugino

#2: Bonnie Hunt

#3: Amy Adams

#4: Anne Hathway

#5: Glenn Close

#6: Michelle Pfeiffer

#7: Julie Andrews

#8: Angelina Jolie

#9: Cate Blanchett

#10: Scarlett Johannson

Honorable Mentions: Meg Ryan, Zoe Saldaña, Hayden Panettiere, Carol Burnett, Awkwafina