My Episode Review on The Three Stooges: Idle Roomers
Greetings, my friends.
This is your top-of-the-line film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.
Today, for the 13th installment of my "Spook Spectacular" series, I'm gonna give you guys my take of the Three Stooges's "Idle Roomers".

Here's the rundown of it:
At Hotel Snazzy Plaza, the Three Stooges are bellhops who constantly mess things up but nevertheless try doing their best.
However, when a Wolf Man named Lupe runs loose in the hotel, he continually terrorizes the Stooges.
I wanted to review this short during the Halloween season particularly because of it featuring a Wolf Man, which I thought made it perfect for the occasion.
Admittedly, there was one detractor in the short that I was able to note:
Between the scene where Curly runs away after the Wolf Man scares him and when Moe and Curly were hiding in a hotel room, it felt like a chunk of the story was missing. It was confusing as to how Curly ended up being in the same room as Moe so quickly, and I can't help but wish that Columbia had done a scene depicting how it happened instead of abruptly cutting to the scene featuring Moe and Curly together again.
Other than that, the short proved itself to be as fun as I remember it being in the past.
For instance, the direction by Del Lord, and the story by him and Elwood Ullman, were quite a treat. Each and every joke was hysterical to watch and excellently executed, and the short paced itself so well that the runtime was surprisingly fitting.
The performances of the cast and the characters were great too. I was saddened that Larry didn't exactly get to do much compared to Moe and Curly, but at least he still got to shine whenever he was given the opportunity to do so, like when he was unwittingly trying to pull the carpet out from under Curly's feet. Plus, while it was clear that Curly's overall performance and voice were different than before, his energy and comedic-timings were as on point as ever and he nevertheless still had all the best moments. Likewise, Duke York did a splendid job portraying Lupe the Wolf Man.
In conclusion, "Idle Roomers" isn't a perfect member of the Three Stooges filmography, but it's still one of the team's funniest and well-worked of installments.
So, I rate "Idle Roomers" 4½ out of 5 stars.