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Message from President Trump Regarding the Baffling Events of Yesterday, & What'll Be Happening Next

This video will pretty much explain everything:

So, wanna know what I think?

To put it simply, there go my hopes of 2021 being an improvement over 2020. As a matter of fact, there go my hopes of the next four or eight years being an improvement over 2020.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are nothing but dirty skunks who literally [b]stole[/b] this election by rigging it, and now it's clear they're officially getting away with it. All Trump has ever done is stand up and fight for the rights of America's people and try to ensure that the results of this election were fair and legit, and how have people been repaying him? By ratting on him like a punching bag, that's what.

All Biden and Harris have ever talked about on every debate I've seen them on is shutting down the American economy, and for what? To protect the citizens from some virus that's really no different from the common cold?

NO. That's not it at all.

THEY want control over the American people's very lives. THEY want to take away the independence and freedom of the American people, and have the country be brought to ruins until it becomes nothing but a wasteland or a thing of the past. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they willingly sold America out to the dictatorship of another country, China being a likely suspect considering the suspicious activity going on there and the state of tyranny it's under. That, and because everyone seems to just love doing business with that country despite the fact that it's a communism-ruined cesspool.

For all you Trump haters out there, I hope you're happy with yourselves.

You wanted Trump out of office?

Well, you got it, and now America's going to be run by some of the biggest leeches in the world. People who only care about themselves and getting whatever they want, and who aren't going to help the American economy be back in full swing. Don't go crying to the nearest Conservative or Republican when you find yourself digging out of the garbage for scraps and sleeping on the streets, and all because of not having a job thanks to Biden and Harris.

All I can say now is "God help us".




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