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Stuff I’d like to Confess, and my Opinion on MLP’s “The Last Problem” (Contains Spoilers)

There’s something I’d like to confess regarding my stance on Fluttercord (Fluttershy X Discord):

Even though I’ve said long before that I was largely anti-Fluttercord, I recently couldn’t help but find myself going from hating it to being neutral towards it. I’m still not a fan of it, but I also don’t hate as much as before.

I still think that, entirely, making Fluttershy and Discord a romantic couple would take away the actual purpose behind why Celestia assigned Discord to Fluttershy in the first place, and I can’t see how they’re entirely compatible as one. However, even though I still do, I can’t deny how awesomely fun the two of them are when together, and how much each of them have grown under the likely influence of each other.

I think a large reason behind why I was so against it before was because there were several stories I came across where the pairing just didn’t work. In this case, the stories I came across either depicted the two characters and romance between them being handled rather blandly; had little to no organized narrative; had a multitude of grammatical and spelling mistakes; depicted the characters not being themselves; or had no heart and nothing compelling about it.

However, I’ve become open for them to be a couple if a story about them being one is done right. “Dungeons & Discords” and “Discordant Harmony” were episodes that definitely boosted in my openness for it, that’s for sure. I also took some time to read some Fluttercord stories that were literally the opposite of what I described.

And yes, I’m aware of the parts with Fluttershy and Discord in “The Last Problem”, I saw the episode a little last week. Although, I didn’t think it was very clear on if they were a couple or not. It wasn’t very specific, and the only thing they did was do things to help each other. They didn’t show any romantic interaction to begin with. Their friendship could very well have blossomed to where they became like an inseparable team.

The same with the banter between Applejack and Rainbow Dash. As far as I’m concerned, the dialogue between the two characters didn’t say they were living together or were a couple. All Rainbow was saying was that she and AJ could’ve come to Canterlot faster if she had let her help, and all AJ was saying was that her helpfulness wouldn’t be too helpful.

The way I saw it was that Applejack and Rainbow’s friendship with one another developed into more of a sisterly kind of bond. In this case, they became like sisters. That was how I saw their interactions anyway, and a person can do something like hug or wrap an arm around another if the other is considered a family member or is an actual family member. The two of them seem more like a sisterly kind of duo to me anyway. Heck, I’ve got two older sisters, and whenever we interacted with each other, there would be a playful banter between us.


Of course, the only way any of us are going to be certain is if we could ask either director Jim Miller or writer Josh Haber about this whole thing on Twitter, and I have a feeling there’s going to be a gigantic line of fans asking about the four characters once “The Last Problem” gets officially released in North America with "The Ending of the End" on October 12th.

As for me, I’ll be praying that my hunch will be correct on the four characters, as I’m in no mood for getting a slap in the face by fans who lobby too much for Fluttercord and AppleDash (especially AppleDash) or once again being the goat, like with King Sombra and Scootaloo’s aunts.

Other than the fact that the episode officially made Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon a married lesbian couple, which was shown in a newspaper article at the beginning of the episode and made me make them permanent residents of my list of least favorite characters, I really enjoyed “The Last Problem”. The writing it had was funny, heartwarming, filled with emotion, and was a solid conclusion to FiM. I literally couldn’t help but feel like crying at the song that was played at the end, and there was even a confirmed pairing that I became a fan of a while back and was so happy to have been made canon. I won’t be giving it away here for those who haven’t seen the episode yet and are waiting for the official North American airing of it, but for here, I'll be happy to confirm what it is once the clock strikes October 12th.

So, with all of this said, thank you for your time.



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