My Thoughts on Fluttercord (Fluttershy X Discord)
I wanted to express my thoughts on something. It seems like a lot of fans really admire the pairing of a certain Spirit of Chaos and a butter-yellow pegasus, especially after a fan particularly originated it in a fan fiction. However, I’m not one of those people.

Let me tell you guys something:
There's definitely plenty to say, and none of it includes age. One reason is because I find Discord to be way too eccentric for Fluttershy. Other reasons would be that I personally can’t help but find it to be too obvious in so many ways; that the chemistry of the pairing just doesn’t seem to click; and the two don’t really match each other when it comes to romance. Fan fiction-wise, I also can’t seem to find any great and interesting stories depicting a romance between the two.
In many stories that I read where Discord and Fluttershy are a romantic pairing, the characters often lack their spirits. Something about their chemistry and depictions in those stories would for some reason not feel right, and they would be really out of character. The romantic connection is often...extremely cheap and bland in contrast to their closely-bonded friendship in FiM.
Something about their chemistry additionally doesn't seem to say that they're anything beyond that of closely-bonded friends.
Another reason would be that I find you can’t make a romance between Fluttershy and Discord without changing their personalities or what makes them unique as individuals. In this case, you can’t pair them without doing something like taking away Fluttershy’s kindness and making her the opposite of kind, or taking away Discord’s chaotic nature and eccentricity and making him the opposite of chaotic and eccentric.
Yes, I'm aware of how well the two were depicted in "Discordant Harmony", and I whole heartily agree that the Fox brothers perfectly kept the essence of the characters. But, for me, the bond didn't really seem to stretch beyond the two of them being best friends no matter how much Fluttercord fans cheered. And, I'm aware of Discord and Fluttershy's character developments as of late, such as Fluttershy's fondness for Discord's chaotic nature and being able to stand up for herself more. Still, though, no matter how much development the two had, the chemistry just doesn't seem to click beyond that of friendship.
A little while back, I had even watched videos that showed the "Cosmos" comic arc, where Fluttercord romance appeared to be quite on the heavy side. But when I got my taste of it...I was less than moved. It showed that the romance is absolutely horrible once put out on paper or screen. But my prime reason is because of this: Celestia’s real reason behind why she assigned Fluttershy to reform Discord is so that Fluttershy could show him what it’s like to have a friend, and that’s what Fluttershy was wanting to do since “Keep Calm and Flutter On”, show him how valuable friendship and having a friend truly is. Fluttercord just...seems to take away the reasons behind it all.
It’s like those homosexual shippings, such as RariShy, AppleDash, and TwiPie (which I absolutely despise and don’t read any stories about). The Elements of Harmony came together to become friends and teach friendship, nothing more than that. I’m not being homophobic or anything, I’m just trying to make a point. it's just that those romantic pairings I mentioned were just among the ones that I believe take away what the show is trying to teach, which is about Friendship. That’s why all these characters came together in the first place. Well, those are my reasons. I hope you all find them reasonable, really. Also, personally, I can’t help but find Dislestia (Discord X Celestia) to be more enjoyable. I'm not sure why, really. But, let's just say that I think Discord and Celestia have a much bigger connection and more in common than most people think, perfect for a romance. Much more than I can say for Fluttershy and Discord anyway. Plus, I like the concept of characters who were once enemies go on to become lovers.
Please don't hate me for the opinions I revealed here. After all, I'm really only a person who just doesn't like what others like.