Ideas I have for Cyberchase (Especially for How it Could End):

Author Notes and Explanations:
Normally, I often like to just make posts about film or television reviews, as well as ones where I bring out my thoughts or opinions on something.
But today, I decided to do something different, by posting ideas I made a long time ago about one of my childhood favorite shows: Cyberchase.
You see, I've always been a fan of Cyberchase! I love the educational timing it had when it comes to math, the awesome adventures the characters go on, the animation, music, and the characters and voice acting.
A significant thing about the show is that it was the very first project I saw that involved Christopher Lloyd (who voices Hacker), and from that show onward, he became a recognizable figure to me in several other projects. I became a fan of his since then.
It was also the second project that made me familiar with Gilbert Gottfried (who voices Digit), the first being his role as Iago in Disney's Aladdin.
Anyway, I wanted to post these ideas because in recent years, Cyberchase seems to have gone in a massive decline in quality. The voice acting for some reason seems to not be as strong as before, the plots are weak and not exciting or adventurous like they used to be, and the educational timing just seems very off. Hacker also just seems to be reduced to being a mere mischief maker and bully than a tyrannical villain, and he seems to have gotten dumber as well.
I feel like the crew behind the show, outside of the voice cast, are losing their touch and running out of creative ideas, and it looks like it needs to conclude very soon.
So, that's why I posted these ideas, because I'm hoping that everyone on board the show can take a look at them and perhaps adapt them into episodes. If not completely adapt them, then, at least take inspiration from them.
If anyone who works on the show is out there...please...please take a look at my ideas.
In this final season of "Cyberchase", the Cybersquad go on their biggest adventures yet, with friends new and old, and enemies along the way. They come closer and closer to finding Motherboard's cure for her virus, and defeating Hacker once and for all! With special guest star: Eddie Murphy!
Episode List:
1. The Cybersquad travel to Melodia on a mission to stop a competing Hacker and Ledge from finding an artifact that grants its user control over music to takeover Cyberspace. In order to get to the artifact however, they must solve various musical codes and puzzles. With the help of their new friend Leo the Cyberguana (Voiced by Special Guest Star Eddie Murphy), will they stop the villains before it's too late?!
Topic: Numbers being represented by musical notes.
Notes: This will be one out of three episodes featuring music as a math topic.
2. Wicked casts a spell for what is perhaps her biggest scheme yet: creating and controlling an army of one and zero monsters to conquer and rule Cyberspace! With one and zero out of the number line, how will our heroes use the power of math without them?! Will the Cybersquad be able stop Wicked and her army before it's too late?! Will they stop her before an opposing Hacker tries to control the army for himself?! More importantly, will the Cybersquad continue to use the power of math without 1 and 0 being on the job?!
Topic: How to solve math problems without the use of numbers in particular, like one and zero.
Notes: The final appearance of Wicked, because in the end, she is defeated once and for all by being forever trapped in a computer.
3. Hacker plants a small-mechanical device inside of Digit called the "Bug of Change". He plans to use the bug in order to corrupt Digit, and force him to join his team again. What's worse suddenly, is that Ledge has planted his own device into Digit called the "Tick of Change" for the same reason as Hacker! To make Digit work for him! The Cybersquad must find a way to remove both gadgets, and save Digit before he forever becomes one of the villains' minions! The stakes are high!
Topic: Unknown
4. Leo the Cyberguana is preparing a concert in honor of the Cybersquad. However, in an act of revenge, Hacker intends to crash the concert by somehow keeping the song Leo is hoping to sing from playing! Each attempt including destroying the equipment, to trying to kidnap Leo! Will Leo and the Cybersquad succeed in helping the show go on so that Hacker won't succeed?
Topic: Calculating music volume, speed, and tone.
5. Intent on once again getting revenge on the Cybersquad for foiling his plans, and Hacker for rejecting him and continually getting in his way, Ledge decides to come up with a plan to somehow defeat all two groups once and for all. By planting mechanical CyberSpiders inside of Motherboard, and inside of Hacker, so that he can take Cyberspace for himself. Will the two groups be able to outsmart and defeat Ledge once and for all before his mission is accomplished?!
Topic: Unknown.
Notes: This will be the final appearance of Ledge, because in the end, both the Cybersquad and Hacker, managed to outsmart Ledge by modifying both spiders that were released into their ships, and defeat him by causing the spiders to eat his ship, and land straight into the arms of the Cyberspace police.
Episodes 6-11: Five-Story Adventure:
Dr. Marbles has discovered the blueprints of an unmade mechanism designed by his great-grandfather. It's purpose: to ensure Motherboard's full protection, and cure her of any ailment (such as Hacker's virus). Permanently.
To get the mechanism to work, however, they need five rare ingredients:
1. A rare type of plant from Ecotopia.
2. A rare type of music note from Melodia.
3. A rare of wheel from Radopolis.
4. A rare type of diamond from Frogsnorts.
5. A rare type of spark plug for the circuit board.
With obstacles ahead of them, and Hacker determined to keep his advantage over Motherboard from withering, things will not be easy for our heros.
Can they accomplish their mission of finally curing Motherboard of the virus with the power of math and friendship by their side?
Episode 12: Two-Part Episode, and Series Finale:
With the virus Hacker inflicted on Motherboard destroyed, and with no more opportunities to conquer Cyberspace, Hacker has lost! However, in an effort to get revenge on the kids, Hacker finds his way into the real world and becomes its newest ruler! Can the kids save their world and stop Hacker once and for all?! Or has Hacker finally won?!
Notes: This will be the final appearance of Hacker, Buzz, and Delete, after they're defeated once and for all by the Cybersquad.
Well, those are my ideas. I hope whoever works on the show likes what I came up with, even if they aren't full stories.
With that said, thank you for your time.